Laughter Yoga Caroline Laughter Yoga Caroline

Here is why you should absolutely try Laughter Yoga!

Laughter is the best medicine to relieve stress


Why is the apple so good at yoga? He has a great core!

When it comes to relieving stress, soothing tension, or even to just improve your mood — laughter is the best medicine! This is phrase is said so often because laughing has so many important benefits.

In Sanskrit, the word līlā (lila) translates to “divine play.” We love to incorporate this phrase into our children’s yoga classes and in our children’s yoga trainings so that adults who work with children can begin to incorporate this sentiment. The idea of “divine play” plays a role in laughter in yoga.

Laughter allows us to release our inhibitions and embrace more joy in our experiences. As adults, we have learned that such expressions can also have negative consequences such as feeling embarrassed. It is important to invite this element of joy, silliness, and laughter with our children because it allows them to embrace out-of-the-box thinking and to expand their individual boundaries. 

What is Laughter Yoga?

The practice of Laughter Yoga supports deep breathing (pranayama) combined with playful exercises that promote energy, uplift our mood, and also provide many health benefits. Laughter Yoga is a practice designed by Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995. Dr. Kataria began his study of laughter yoga based on its many important psychological and physiological benefits.

In his work, Dr. Kataria proposed that laughter can be taught and experienced in community and group exercises. Laughter Yoga is a practice where students learn to laugh on cue rather than relying on people, things, or experiences to bring them joy. The practice provides various movements, breathing exercises, and activities that teach people to create intentional laughter. 

Most Laughter Yoga classes for adults begin with simple breathing and chanting to help students turn inward and begin to relax. They also may include improv exercises to help you relax and laugh. While it may feel silly to chant “he-he-ha-ha,” the exercise allows you to leave your ego at the door and practice the element of ahimsa, which yogis know is the Sanskrit word for non-judgement.

For children, Laughter Yoga is a way to bond with friends and family members in a non-competitive way that also boosts everyone’s mood!

What are the benefits of Laughter Yoga?

A good laugh has both short-term and long-term effects.

Short-term, laughing can relieve stress and tension, stimulate oxygen in the body, as well as lower blood pressure. Laughing releases our happy hormones (dopamine and serotonin) while suppressing our stress hormone (cortisol). Long-term, laughing can improve your immune system by relieving pain as the good endorphins from a laugh stimulate a response similar to painkillers, thus promoting an overall good mood. Laughing is an antidote for tension relief, it increases blood flow to the brain and also serves as a cardiovascular exercise.

Laughter Yoga is especially beneficial for children as it is a great way to support cognitive function. With increased blood flow to the brain, laughter can improve focus, memory, and support brain development.

Along with the physical benefits of Laughter Yoga, the practice also provides a deeper connection between people, family members, children and people in their community. 

If you have not already, try to practice Laughter Yoga with your loved-ones; it is by far one of the most effective ways to strengthen your family bond!

5 easy Laughter Yoga exercises for you and your loved ones

Children are inherently free of inhibition. They are always looking for joy in the things around them, laughing at jokes, making other people laugh and they love funny faces.

Babies and children both laugh and smile in their sleep! Here are some ways that we like to introduce laughter and play in yoga :

  1. Mirror Me: In our family yoga classes, we introduce a game called “Mirror Me.” In this game, caregiver and child sit facing one another. With one person as the leader, they can begin to model different movements and have the other person follow. To incorporate the concept of laughter yoga, the leader can begin to make funny faces, or make funny movements, and then gradually begin to make sounds that build up into either silly sounds (to make the other person laugh) or different sounds of laughter. The other person is then asked to model the faces of movements.

  2. Telephone Laughter: Similar to the game of Telephone, children being by standing in a circle. Think of a secret to celebrate such as “no school tomorrow!” or “ice cream for dinner!” As children hear the celebration, ask them to high-five and cheer with one another until you get to the last person.

  3. Laughing Breath/Breathing Staircase: This exercise begins with each child lying his or her head gently on another child's belly. Ask children to notice their partner’s breath, and how it affects their head movement. Ask them to let out a hearty laugh and explain what is happening. The more children participating, the more laughter will erupt!

  4. Joker and the King: This is a fun and silly game that can be used when your group is feeling cranky or tired. One player is the king and they start out by saying “Betcha’ can’t make me laugh.” The other players come up to the king one at a time and, moving with yoga poses, to see if they can be so silly that they make the king laugh.

  5. Joking Warriors: In our kids yoga classes, we teach warrior poses (ages 5+) succinct with affirmations (e.g., I AM: Proud Warrior). We often ask children to lead the group, recite an affirmation, and come into a yoga pose.

So, what’s the punchline? Laughter yoga is a great way to support your child mentally, physically and spiritually. The practice allows children to build resilience, express themselves, and connect with friends and loved ones.

For more information on Yogi Beans, to experience these exercises in our trainings, or how you can bring children’s yoga to the children in your life, visit our website!

Anne Davidson
is a senior teacher trainer and business developer at Yogi Beans. Connect with Anne at @anneedavidson on Instagram


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