Power center activation
Our Solar Plexus house our Third Chakra. This is the location of our power center

Yoga Poses that activate your power center
Our Solar Plexus houses our 3rd Chakra - Manipura chakra. Manipura chakra is where our power and selfโconfidence manifest. The qualities of Manipura are self-esteem, power, gut feelings, ego, and confidence. Itโs no surprise that Joseph Pilates referred to this area as our Powerhouse. A strong core can help us stand up tall with confidence, grace and ease.
3 A few poses that can activate our powercenter are below:
Boat Pose: Balance on your bottom and slowly lift your arms and legs into the air making a โVโ position. Now make a sailboat by extending one arm straight up into the air and the other arm straight in front of you. Try switching your "sails" and hold the pose for three breaths. You can also turn your pose into a โShipwreckโ by starting in Boat pose and bringing your knees to one side as if you were in a reclining twist. Children can bend their legs for an easier alternative.
Plank Pose: Begin in Downward Facing Dog pose. Come onto the balls of your feet and slowly float forward until your body is in a straight line. Keep your shoulders over your wrists and your bellybutton pulled into your spine. Look out for children who are swaying their lower back. Encourage them to use their stomach muscles to hold a straight line.
Arm Pressure Balance: Arm Pressure Pose (Bhujapidasana). Start in Squat pose. Plant your hands in front of you on the floor and make sure your whole hand is flat. Next, take your hands underneath your bottom and plant them on the pinky toe sides of your feet. Make sure your fingers are facing forwards as best you can. Use your belly muscles and slowly shift your body weight back so that your feet lift up and you are balancing on your hands. For older kids, try to bring your feet together and hook one ankle on top of the other. Then release and switch the hook of the ankles.
Yoga for kids anywhere
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Join Lauren Chaitoff and Yogi Beans, available exclusively on Omstars! Get your kids to start practicing yoga with Lauren Chaitoff's Yogi Beans Course on Omstars! This course offers classes designed for children aged 3 to 13 to immerse themselves into the world of yoga.