Interview: transition and change


They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  As it straddles the winter/spring season, this month is filled with transition and change.

I spoke with Jacalyn Warshauer whom I met back in 2012 when she taught for Yogi Beans.  Since that time, Jacalyn and I both became mothers to our own Beans. Jacalyn opened up Wild Type Learning, a therapeutic learning experience for children and families to actively awaken their senses, strengthen the mind, body & heart connection and tune into the wisdom of nature.  Enjoy our conversation!

Jacalyn has found her inspiration to create Wild Type Learning from a passion to support young children and families; her love and connection to our natural world; the awareness to the importance of fostering a strong connection to mind, body, and heart; and a growing understanding of the true needs of the “whole-child” through the relationship with her two sons.

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Find Sonjoria on Instagram @wildtypelearning